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Tree Preservation Order: 629 (2017)

West of Golf Club Road, Brookmans Park

for the continued amenity of the landscape.

Type Count Identifier Species
Woodland Evergreen
Woodland Deciduous

There are no documents associated with this TPO

Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2024/0915/HOUSE Erection of a single storey front extension Granted
6/2023/1221/OUTLINE Outline permission for the erection of 14 dwellings, with all matters reserved except for access
6/2022/2409/OUTLINE Outline permission for the erection of 9 dwellings, with all matters reserved except for access. Withdrawn
6/2018/3201/HOUSE Erection of part single part two storey side and rear extensions and alterations to roof Granted
S6/1977/0018/ Two storey side extension Granted